How can Google webmaster tools answer your SEO questions?

If you own a web site and have used Google webmaster tools in the past you know how invaluable it can be. Achieving a successful ranking in Google by analyzing and diagnosing problems go hand in hand. Many questions new web owners have are answered directly in webmaster tools.

New web owners that both use and don’t use webmaster tools often asking repetitive and redundant questions in forums. Secondly, a webmaster or owner can waste valuable time when the answers which are catered directly to that particular website are within webmaster tools.

We’ll cover the different tools and try to answer FAQs regarding them. Google adds different elements at any moment and should be taken advantage of. This will be part 1 of a 4 part series.

When you install the tracking code either by meta tag or upload a file via ftp to your hosted web site you’ll be able to verify your web site. We’ll get past that because there are tons of articles especially from Google that pertain to how to install that code. Who’s better than Google themselves in explaining that.

When you login to your “Dashboard” you’ll be taken to window that looks similar to this. Depending on if your site has been indexed by Google or not will determine what status you’ll see. You may see…

Googlebot has successfully accessed your home page.
Pages from your site are included in Google’s index.

This is good news because Google has done exactly what it states above and you should be able to see yourself in Google search results. Sometimes when your site is young, you will not see any results. Don’t worry, soon enough you will, but if you want to receive more information check out this SEO page on how to do so.

Below the “Dashboard” you will see “Top Search Queries”. This will show you what search queries and position you are on in Google’s search engine results. There is a date that is below that notifies you when was the last time it was updated. There is also a button that says more>> which will lead you to more results.

Below the “Tops Search Queries” is “Links to your site”. If you have any links it will show you where the links are coming from if you click on the number to the right. More times than none you will see links from directories, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Typically the more the better. There are good reasons that webmaster tools has these on the interface.

On the upper right part of the Dashboard, the is “Crawl Errors”. There is good, but technical information that needs to be addressed. For instance webmaster will let you know if there are errors in your HTTP, Sitemap, No Followed, Not Found, Restricted by robots.txt, Timed out, and Unreachable. Again, there is a plethora of already well written content that will explain how to fix your particular problems.

Under “Crawl Errors” there is “Keywords”. This category will show the keywords and a significance meter in relevance to your site. You should see keywords that are the same as your description, title, website, and content. The more information that is similar and relevant to your subject, the better off your site will be.

Below the “Keywords” is “Sitemap”.  If you haven’t submitted a sitemap to Google or other providers than you should. This will let Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other providers that there is new content. You will not need to “Submit your site” and waste your time. If you are indexed it will tell you the file name of the sitemap, the status, which hopefully has a green check mark and how many pages are indexed. That number means that Google has found and indexed that many pages.

3 easy ways to promote your blog or web site

It might look as a daunting task when you first start a blog. How do you promote it? Creating it, then writing, then you have to promote it. Well, most people aren’t thinking about promoting and in fact if you have well written content it will promote itself. The title being the most important along with keywords relevant to what you are writing about.

There are in fact ways to help bypass the waiting period for a newer blog to get indexed. Here are five ways to get your blog to top of Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines.

  1. Yahoo, Bing, & Google Webmaster Tools – If you have a WordPress or Blogger blog or some other type you can generate a sitemap and submit that through Google Webmaster Tools. Yahoo site authenticator and Bing Tools all do the same thing. They allow you to submit your sitemap which tells these search engines that certain pages exist. It is in fact the quickest way to get indexed and the proper way.
  2.  Social networking – This is actually a lot of work, but can pay off. If you like to talk and write, then this is definitely for you. You need to make accounts with Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Digg, Delicious, Squidoo, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Each one of these carries a large network of users similar to you. Each has a niche that you need to be aware of and try to work within the confines of that. 
  3. Forums & Message Boards – Signing up for message boards are extremely important. They are usually live and need content and answers. If you provide answers and your profile is filled out, chances are people will view your profile and go to your blog or site more times than none. The more helpful and the more you participate, the more traffic you’ll get. Another benefit is if you can pick up a name similar to your website which should be similar to your main product or topic and that can promote you tremendously.