Social Media Marketing | What can it do for you?

Social Media Optimization, or SMO, is a form of marketing that generates traffic through a variety of different social media web sites. The media outlets include YouTube, Facebook, Digg, LinkedIn, and Twitter to name a few. There are literally hundreds if not thousands by now of social media networks.

Social media networks allow you to build a profile with your information and web site. Depending on which service they will allow to perform certain tasks and notify the world of your services. The social media network provides a platform for others to offer unique insight and vote on your work. This can be valuable in regards to custom feedback and adjustments.

Currently, the best possible way to draw attention to your web site is providing quality material on live forums which people are looking answers quickly. Forums are crawled more often because of the fresh content it provides the web. Niche forums are every where and they need quality answers, typically, “great post” isn’t a good answer. It’s encouraging to receive a “Thank You”, but deeper value is needed.

Social media is a practical way to build quality links back to your web site. Such web sites for example, provide content to thousands of potential viewers for free. They want the content and you need a forum. In conclusion readers are able to vote and if “Dugg” enough will be offered as a featured topic and promoted to thousands.

How can Twitter help my SEO and marketing campaigns?

Twitter can be a valuable service if you know how to utilize it. The same can be said for places like MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube to name a few. You can spend too much time and get nothing done if you are careful and sometimes that’s OK, on a personal level. As far as a marketing level, it is important to keep focused and stick a plan.

Tweets will simple get you followers. Followers are what you need to get traffic to your site or blog. If you come up with tons of tweets, whether it’s all at once and you save them as a text file and everyday you copy and past a new one. Remember posting old tweets could get you banned. Re-write them to say something else is my best advice.

Following people with the hops that they will follow you back is a long a tedious process and eventually you will have people. The only true way to get more followers than you follow is by tweeting. Post good information, it can only be a title long sentence so it must be intriguing. Have a link, if your link is too long got to and there is a URL shortener. It also keeps track of how many people clicked on your post, which I think is very handy. It’s free, so that the best thing there.

Twitter can help your SEO by offering links and clicks to your site. The more unique tweets you put out, the more followers, the more you are seen and the clicks you will receive. Twitter can help your marketing campaigns by adding fresh content daily. You can always receive new followers which is potential for new customers. Thousands of people are signing up daily, get in now and start tweeting.